Little Snippets

A girl hands her empty plastic starbucks cup to her mom

     “I literally can’t physically carry this.”

European tourist are snatching each-others hands in Central Park.

     “Look, a goose! Goose!”

Which exist in Europe.


He was a wispy haired man, who – every time he couldn’t make out a word you said, leans his ear to your mouth and dangles his fingers onto your back between your shoulder blades.

I used to be the guy in the car. Now I’m the boy in the street.

“Do you ever wish that social interactions had a ‘jump to recipe’ button?”

“He’s a fucking hater, bro!”

She smokes cigars until her heart turns purple.

Kids just want to look at turtles.

Image: Involvement Series, Wanda Pimentel. 1968. Brazil. Vinyl on canvas.